Thursday 24 May 2012

Forgeting My Journey....

I had a really long and busy weekend that turned out to be unexpected and fun.....and quite challenging...

Friday was a crazy busy and hectic day and yet it still managed to be fun thanks to my family... Plus I slept in a really cozy bed.... (if wishes were horses.....)

Anyway, Saturday was even busier and I really really forgot my journey... I got to a point and was doing things in my own strength and trying to take credit for things.... I can see it and sense it sometimes as its happenning but most of the time I dont know what to do about it or how to avoid it...

Sunday we came back home.... and I did not feel the same as when I had left... and not in a good way either... I feel I have lost my way on this journey and I dont know how to find my way back.....

How do I find my way back? It hasnt been the same since....

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