Tuesday, 5 June 2012

I am such an Introvert!!!!

Always thought I was a bit of both..... but I guess not!

In this post I talked about the robot in me and kuyonza so kindly advised me to check out this link about personality types....

I always thought I was a bit of both an introvert and extrovert but with evidence from my posts (which I wrote before reading about the test) It is so clear that I am an introvert!!!

I know many people who know me who will really strongly object...

so let us see....

Introverted Characteristics
·         Think/reflect first, then Act.....I spend so much time planning and thinking... sometimes I do not act.... check here
·         Regularly require an amount of "private time" to recharge batteries .... so true.... check here
·         Motivated internally, mind is sometimes so active it is "closed" to outside world ....... read this
·         Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships...... implied here
Extraverted Characteristics
·         Act first, think/reflect later ...... I'd rather die.....
·         Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction with the outside world ...... I sometimes really really need and look forward even to being cut off from interaction with the outside world...
·         Usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things ...... You really cant make me do something if I really do NOT want to do it!!!!
  • Enjoy wide variety and change in people relationships ......HELL NO!!!! I like consistency and reliability... when something changes in a relationship it confuses me and takes me a while to adjust....
My question for this post.....
Do you sometimes find out things abot yourself that surprise you? Prior to this post, would you say I was an introvert or extrovert?


  1. Replies
    1. I also always thought both but this made it kinda clear....

  2. Welcome home Introvert.Only after u accept your intoversion can u enjoy its full powers and benefits.Also know how to stay energized and

    1. lol... thanks...

      looking forward to harnessing the powers...

  3. I would have totally labeled you an extrovert! And I would have totally labeled myself as an extrovert! So maybe it's just the breakdown of these traits that's a little off. :) Cause I'm still calling us both extroverts with healthy introverted tendencies (like thinking before acting... I don't think that makes you an introvert... I think it makes you wise. :) )

    1. I love the way you think girl..... (said like Jamie Fox in django) healthy introverted tendencies.... :) and wise!!!! hehehe... bes of both worlds, huh?
