Wednesday, 6 June 2012

True Freedom

Women's Rights, Moving Away From Home, Making Your Own Decisions and........Surrendering to CHRIST!

It is so easy to want to feel liberated, the independent woman, etc...but it's hard to take off that cap and say , ''Lord, I will be servant, I will consider the needs of others before mine, for as long as it brings glory to your name.''

I started this Post more than a week ago and now I cant remember what Iwanted to write about... all I had to go by was the paragraph above... I started to write about it yesterday but did not know where to start so I let it be... Today, I was thinking of deleting the post and writing about other things.... but as I read it, I added the title and the opening line.... so here we go....

I dont know whether I was the origin of the quote or whether I got it from somewhere else but it has got me thinking....

As a child, you are truly free....  of worry, of responsibility of all the things you think at the time are holding you back....

Then you grow up..... still you are free.... to make your own decisions, to do whatever you choose and please and in this day and time, to be whoever you choose and please...

But are you ever really really REALLY free.....

I think that is what salvation is.... TRUE FREEDOM....In Christ, You can be the child and enjoy the childlike freedom.....that is if you manage to allow yourself to do so.....this in itself could be viewed as loss of Freedom.....But in Christ, you also have the liberty of free will.....sadly, t does not come without consequences....

So......My question..... What is true Freedom?


  1. There is nothing in life that doesn't come at a cost.
    Even freedom in Christ is at a cost.

    There is nothing in life that has no consequences or pre-requisites.

    We all have to live daily by either making compromises, giving up things, sacrificing other things, and submitting to other things ....

    Surrender, Submit, Compromise are words we can never do without if you want to have true love.

    Even in Christ , we need the words surrender and submit. The only difference with Christ is that in turn, He gives us salvation which is far more than what our sinful natures deserve. So we are blessed by our surrendering.

    Similarly in love, when you submit to a man who is worth it, in turn , you get live beyond the love you had imagined before.

    In reality, there is no ''TRUE FREEDOM'' as you put it.
    The world is just not made that way, the human race has rules that one must follow in order to get to a particular place ...

    God has rules to follow or rather things we need to do , to be in Him ...

    Love has rules we need to follow to maintain the peace and love in our relationships.

    Freedom is only defined by smething. You can have freedom IN something, meaning you subscribe to the rules or norms of that thing and are therefore free FROM the rules of the rest of the world .


    1. So you are saying that there is no such thing ac complete/true freedom?

  2. *** where i wrote ''live'', i meant ''love'' .......up there .

  3. Yeah, that's exactly what I am saying. There is no complete freedom . There is always freedom IN something. There has never been, there will never be. It is about getting comfortable and content in whatever BOX you are in .

    Maybe this is sad, but if you think about it, we really do not need complete freedom. It is not the way we were made and built. We would be reckless and irresponsible if we had complete freedom to do whatever and whenever we wanted to do whatever it is we want to.

    1. But you never really do have Freedom IN something either... DO YOU? Freedom is a very evasive thing if you ask me! I need to look up its proper definition....


      The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
      Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

      liberty - independence - license - licence

      .....I think this only proves my point further.... FREEDOM... does not exist... not in my world at least.... there are always so many influencing factors....
