Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Caring for Each Other

You learn something new everyday.....

I have been dating a while..... like a really long time.... I started early and I'm still in the game..... funny thing, most of my relationships were long and ALL of them were very meaningful and I'm still mutual friends... some even close friends with the other parties.

I am in love with a man who is teaching me to be a better me... not because he is imposing these lessons on me....we all know that would not work... check out this post.... things just have to be a certain way.... he just is motivating me to be a better version of myself.

Now, I wont let him take all the credit... GOD has the biggest part in all this... it just so happens that he is using him....

That said... my most recent and practicle lesson in my relationship.......


If we focus on what the other person is not doing right to make you happy or how much effort you are putting in conrtary to the other person.... things might get a bit tight.... however, if you are both looking out for each others interests, then you are both covered.... if I take care of him and he takes care of me, we are both taking care of each other... So instead of focussing my energies on what he is doing right or wrong, I focus them on making sure he is fine and happy.....

At all times dedicating it all to God and trusting him to guide me....

Its a whole new perspective to submission......and I'm totally lovin it....

My Question for today...... Has it always been so obvious to everyone, I'm I the last to catch this train.... Or I'm I totally lost.... let  me know what you think.


  1. Funny thing, been facing a similar situation though not the same.

    Submission is a whole new thing and you need God, to be able to successfully submit .

    I have just been reading this


    It's been helpful to me... Maybe check it out .
