Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Lessons Learned - Day one.....

A few of the lessons I learnt on my first day in this journey.....

  1. My God is a faithful God! My alarm did not go off but the Good Lord woke me up in good time.
  2. Things do not always turn out as we plan or hope! I made many plans as I said my little prayer the night before...not too many of them are working out perfectly
    • To wake up at 6 am everyday..... I woke up at 6.30am
    • To be in bed (read asleep) by 10.00pm everyday..... still havent qiute made it but in the neighbourhood of 11
    • To be at work by 7.15 am....... well, if waking up is an issue you can imagine wats up with getting to work....
    • To officially close work at 6.00pm...... still not happening....
    • To use my 7.15-6.00 effectively and strictly for BCL (read employer) work so that I can use the rest of my time for other things...... Too many things still happening concurrently... but I have faith I will get there.
    • To work VERY VERY hard! ...... Trying but sometimes the lazziness and self excuses (read self justification) get the best of me.
    • To cut down on my expenses and live on as little as possible so I can save more......New and unavoidable expenses keep coming up (read car issues and wedding contributions)
  3. Start your day with a smile...... It makes ALL the difference....not just for me or you but for everyone around me...
  4. Happiness is contagious and its a choice! I made a decision to be happy and nothing could change that..... not even myself
  5. I have a serious problem of Self Justification.... I'm going to write a separate blog post on this one.... first big step in my journey to humulity
  6. Things are not always as easy as they seem..... need I say more?\
  7. God works in mysterious ways and is always giving us opportunities to share his word....We just have to let him use us.... I had an amazing conversation with my brother in law and it reminded me of how much I miss reading and sharing the Word of God... and how exciting it can be.... hehehe.... when you think of it as a movie and add a little ACTION!!!! hehehe... :-)
that is it for now.... more later... another day, many more challenges!

Is it just me or does this happen to everyone?

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