Monday, 21 May 2012

A thin line between Vanity and Confidence/Self Appreciation

I was looking at myself in the mirror the other day.....

As I was getting ready one of these ordinary mornings on my journey I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and I thought to are very beautiful..... now, I dont know if this was just me being vain because I felt a little guilty for thinking like that....

so where is the line between vanity and self appreciation and how do you know when you have crossed it?


  1. There nothing wrong with vanity, its all in our heads just to keep us in check and not to go overboard ..

  2. I think that the line is drawn when you start to comare yourself to other people.

    Say, if you look in the mirror and appreciate YOURSELF, no matter how much you do it, I would call that self appreciation.

    However, when you think you are better than someone else , that is 'vanity'.

    If you think someone else is better than you , that 'low self esteem' , especially if you NEED comments from other people for you to feel good about yourself.

    But if you are just appreciating yourself, go ahead! It will give you a boost for the day .

    That is my opinion. Now the my dictionary's explanation is
    Vanity is 'excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements' .

    So, I guess the keyword is 'excessive' but how excessive is excessive, I don't know.
    That's why I draw the line at comparison to others.

    Plus, I think your appreciation of yourself should not be too extreme that it makes other people feel bad about themselves. Does that make sense ?

    1. you see... that is really my question... when do you know it is excessive.... putting others down and all is something else all together and not necessarilly vanity.

  3. I looked up vainity and here are some of the definitions:
    excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements
    the state or quality of being vain; excessive pride or conceit

    Hati there is really a thin line konka you are a child of God- when you're being vain- you'll know!! You'll just know!! You'll just get that ka conviction from the One who lives in us!!

    1. So, according to your definition it is ok to be proud of one's appearance, qualities, abilities and achievements... but it becomes vanity when it is excessive? right?

      So how do you know when it has crossed over from ok to excessive?

      I totally agree that we do get conviction from the spirit but sometimes the devil can try to put us down? So, if I do get the conviction, how do I go about it without giving the devil a chance to use it against me?
