Thursday, 31 May 2012

A Really Big Snail

This morning I saw a really big..... scrap that.... huge snail, and it got me thinking.....

I mean this thing was huge... really really big... I was on my way out of the house in the morning and saw it right there in the driveway... It had left a really long trail and had a really huge shell....

It got me thinking... how long had it taken that really big snail to make that really long trail carrying that really big shell?

How many people do we know today who are big shots but have worked and sweated and come a really long way, carrying a really big burden and have still managed to make it?

I still havent forgiven myself for not taking a pic of that snail.... what sucks is that I thought about it and even had my phone ...... but I had too many things in my hands and I was running late and keeping someone waiting.... so I have no proof of the really big snail with a really long trail carrying a really big shell.... hehehehe.... I'm enjoying this.

My question for this post is,

Would you rather be a small snail with a short trail and a small shell or a really big snail with a really long trail and a really big shell?????

read personality in place of snail, legacy in place of trail and experience in place of shell.....

I pray that I can be/have a really big personality with a really long.....and good legacy with a whole lot of experience..... but it is so much easier to be a small snail and stay in my comfort zone....

What would you rather be? Is it worth it?


  1. Hmm....

    I would just like to use all my talents effectively, the way God wants me to, to achieve all my most important dreams and goals. and to impact those around me.

    I'm not in it for the legacy itself but I pray that my passion for the things I love will produce legacies.....
    In short, it's not the end result that I am looking at but rathe the process to the result...coz that's the part I have to play with my personality . My personality will produce experience. But the trail(legacy) is not really for me, but for the others I impact along the way ... just like the way you were looking at the snail's trail but the snail was simply moving ahead, walking its path and living its life......

    I don't know if this makes much sense.....

    Anyway, what I would rather be at the end of my life?

    I would rather be the big snail ...... but at what cost?.....therein lies the true answer.

    1. I think you mis understood what I meant by legacy... I did not mean the lights and the glory and all that... I simply meant is simply having an impact....A POSITIVE impact on those you meet along the way.. that when you leave, you will be missed. Leaving a mark on the world after you are gone... no matter how small.. but its a mark... My point exactly... It was moving on with its life but leaving a trail...

      what kind of trail is each of us leaving? Or are we leaving no trail at all?
