So..... Halfway through last year I read a post and had an idea that I blogged about here 26 things to do before turning 26
I thought it would be fair and appropriate to post another blog about how much I achieved......or otherwise
1. Get my transcript -
Came really close and moved mountains but still don't have it.
Start my masters
3. Get engaged
- I guess it wasn't really up to me this one.... now that I think about it... good thing ;-)
Be a better person (I like who I am... I'm not perfect....But I'm ME! And I'm learning to love it!
Revive my business
6. Save lots of money -
Well, not lot lots but I am getting better at it
Live a debt free life
Get closer to God (
I was never far.... he would never let that happen! :-))
9. Surrender and submit to Christ
- It's a never ending journey.... and submission isn't easy for me!
10. Do an HR course by correspondence -
When would I have found the time to do this!!!
Chart out my psychology degree plan
12. Do something great and monumental -
Do little things count? hehehehe....
Launch and wind up our (BCL) file management systems
Start a school outreach program with the Bible Study girls - started ish..... did not quite follow through.. the seed was planted :-)
Be dearly missed
Stream line the industrial training policy and procedures at BCL
Work out an Internship policy and Launch it
Train someone to help with the databank at BCL before I leave
19. Buy another really nice suit -
Haven't found one that has caught my fancy!
Not quite there yet coz I started on this too late... still... ;-)
Improve my spending habits
Commuicate more and better -
Thanks to whatsapp, facebook, android apps and email... ;-)
Learn to take life one day at a time
Explore and improve my mind and heart
GROW UP! - I am tuning 26 in a few hours....;-) but seriously, I see life in a new light!
Man...26 things are many and I got to be realistic seeing as my 26 is a few months not doing 27 coz even though I started writing that list out a month ago, I have only gotten to
After all is said and done... I feel I have done quite well.... Covered all the basics... those that I haven't done, I dont really care about not having done them.... except the great and monumental one....mmmhhhh
You inspire me....did i ever tell you that? Well..there goes. I think iam going to write a list for my 27th. Happy Birthday my friend!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks my dear. You too are a blessing in many many ways. You and I have been through alot together. Hope I will get to see yours.
DeleteInteresting the things you have managed to achieve my dear in such a short time:-) I am surprised no.3 didn't happen and I am really trying my best to achieve no.7.Hopefully I can pull it off this year.I am impressed you started your own business and I want to say KUDOS to u.and you did wonderful things at BCL.,they should make you CEO when you get back.,will run this by the big man when I see him.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday once again my dear.,your birthday is just one of those I can never forget.,if you are still in England next year this time,it would be nice to catch up..till then,Happy new year.,and keep writing.its good for the soul.
Haha all things in good time.... or not.... with regard to no.3 all the best with 7.... thanks. Glory to God. There is still alot more that needs doing. CEO shoes are rightly filled and honestly still too big for me. Thanks.
DeleteNow you are making some of us feel like underachievers-& my 26 was ages ago so I can't even try to catch up. Happy Birthday-I've always been very proud of you-but you seem to want to baffle me by pushing boundaries and doing more great stuff. I'm actually surprised that you didn't include lecturing in MUK before turning 26.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day and have a blessed year.
You guys set the bar really high and left me no choice. I'm only trying to keep up. Thank you. By the time I posted the original post I had already started at Muk. I did. Thanks