Sunday, 11 November 2012

I'm Back


I know it has been a while and I'm really sorry.....

Alot has happenned since and I have not been too humble or doing too well on my journey.... if anything, I think I totally lost the plot. You will see why in the next few posts.

But for now, lets do a bit of catching up....... since June....

I went off to Dar in pursuit of documentation or proof of my academic qualifications

I came back took leave and felt like crap for a bit. Then got back to work and gave it all I had. I threw myself in my work and tried to keep myself busy enough to feel nothing. Started and focused on a new project.

Tried to keep everything balanced  and applied for my visa and worried about transiton and worried about loose ends and worried and planned and then worried and planned some more.

Packing and goodbyes and travel. I'm so blessed to have so many amazing friends and a truly wonderful family who I miss so much it is actually a physical ache..... that keeps me up at night.

Back to school, shitty weather and terrible cravings and home sickness.

Didn't see it coming.... time flew by so fast and before you know it it is November and I'm back.

so... how do i find my way back..... help?

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